N-Power Payment: Participants Monthly Stipend Requirements | How To Get Paid
N-Power Payment: Participants Monthly Stipend Requirements | How To Get Paid
*You must be physically verified at your LGA of residence
*Your profile name on NPVN platform must match your registered BVN name .
*Most times when volunteers are not paid,it is as a result of incorrect account details ,kindly make sure your BVN,Profile and Account Details
are filled correctly .
*Most times when volunteers are not paid,it is as a result of incorrect account details ,kindly make sure your BVN,Profile and Account Details
are filled correctly .
*Another reason is that your verified list from your state has not been sent to Npower
NOTE: If all these requirement have been met, Kindly be patience as you are in line for the next batch of payment .
Payment Issues?
Do not give your details to anyone else except N-Power reps who call you from the numbers listed below.
Payment Issues?
Do not give your details to anyone else except N-Power reps who call you from the numbers listed below.

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